These are the stories of my truly amazing, always full of energy, and very silly little man.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

So We Remember

I know I haven't posted in over a year, but these recent drawings Donovan created inspired me to blog again. I really feel like these needed to be shared. All of the descriptions are in his words.

This is the story of the World Trade Center, as told by Donovan O'Neal, age 5 1/2.

These are the Twin Towers. See the elevators and the windows.

This is when the planes flew into the towers 10 years ago.

This is right after the planes hit. The red is the fire and the black is the smoke.

The pink swirling around is the ash.

This is after the buildings fell down and they had to clean them up with cranes and trucks.

This is the starting of Tower 1 being built.

This is when Tower 1 is 30 feet tall.

This is when Tower 1 is 100 inches tall. (I think he meant feet.)

This a truck bringing in the steel to the cranes.

This is the where the Twin Towers used to be and the holes are still there with water fountains in them and this is the museum underground.

This is what Tower 1 will look like when it's finished (left) and this is all the steel in it and what it looks like now (right).

This is a close-up of the steel in Tower 1.

"I want these pictures to be in the musuem so we always remember and never forget."


Anonymous said...

kids are amazing. loved these! :) what a special guy you have deanna

Meggan Hayes said...

That is amazing. I don't think my kids know that many details to have such accurate drawings. Not sure I've shared with them all the things about the event. Cool Post, may you be inspired again soon!

Deanna said...

Thanks for your thoughts. I never intentionally shared this with him, but we saw a Discovery Channel show on the building of Tower 1. He just got fascinated with the whole event and so I explained some and this is what he came up with. He can be so serious sometimes and has such a sweet heart.