These are the stories of my truly amazing, always full of energy, and very silly little man.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

HALLOWEEN (and the week preceeding it).

Halloween was last Saturday and we had a blast, but the entire week before was incredibly busy and fun filled. So I am sharing a Week of Halloween..

A week before Halloween, Donovan wanted to get dressed up, but I wasn't quite ready to get out the actual Halloween costumes, so we came up with the train engineer.

Here he is at his percussion class all dressed up.

With his friend Meghan.

That night we went to the Jacksonville Zoo's Spooktacular.

The train engineer got to go trick or treating a whole week before Halloween. He was in heaven.

Donovan and his dad are looking in the pirate cove for something...

Ah, they found the gator.
The zoo was quite fun, especially for the little kids. Donovan got to see the giraffes, the gators, and he loved seeing the bats. They were really cool.

That Monday, Dan and I got an opportunity to see President Obama speak at the air station. (I know it doesn't have anything to do with Halloween, but it helped make the week even more busy.)

Here we are with some of Dan's co-workers.

Air Force 1
Yes, that really is President Obama. We decided to sit instead of stand, but that meant we were quite far away. We could still hear everything and see his speak, but my camera doesn't zoom very good.

Here is proof he really was here.

Later that week, we carved pumpkins. We had a good time, but Donovan really was not impressed with the goo inside the pumpkins. After barely touching it once, he wouldn't put his bare hand back inside any of them. He helped with the scraper a tiny bit, but every time he touched anything slimy, he retreated out of the pumpkin. Dan thought this was too funny and decided to torture our child. He told Donovan, "Stick out your hand." Donovan grudgingly obeyed. Dan proceeded to take a large gob of the pumpkin guts and place them on Donovan's hand. I wish my hands weren't slimy and I could have taken a picture. His face was hilarious! It was absolutely terror stricken. After a bit of cleaning his hands, Donovan did help decorate his Mrs. Pumpkin Head.

While carving, I did come across a really good way to grow new pumpkins...

Let the pumpkin mold and the seeds start sprouting.

Needless to say, that pumpkin did not get carved. It was really gross.

On the Friday before Halloween, I was truly brave. I hosted a Cookie Party for Donovan and his friends - ages 3-4.

Meghan and her cookies.

Abby and her cookies.

Sara could have cared less about the cookies and went straight for the frosting.

Donovan used about half of the sugar sprinkles on one cookie and of course made the biggest mess.

The group (left to right):
Bonnie and Abby, Dave (Sara's dad), Donovan, Mary and Meghan, Jennifer and Abby, and Sara.
The kids had such a good time and the house really wasn't that big of mess. I might actually consider doing this again.

Finally, it was HALLOWEEN!!!
Our pumpkins barely made it, but we got them lit.
They were all moldy and bug invested; got to love the humidity.

Donovan went as Dash Incredible.

And of course, we have Mr. and Mrs. Incredible along with Dash.
(For those who know this is a repeat of last year, well tough. No one around here had seen them and they really were good costumes. Plus Donovan's still fit him.)

Donovan loved trick or treating around our neighborhood. I think he loved handing out candy when we got home just as much. Every time the doorbell would ring, he would scream with glee and run to go give out the candy.
This really was and absolutely marvelous Halloween. I can't wait until next year.


mary said...

I loved The Incredibles constumes so I'm glad you got to use them again. Dan could use a little bulking up but the rest of you are totally believable!