These are the stories of my truly amazing, always full of energy, and very silly little man.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Conversations I never thought I would have with my 3 year old.

This picture was taken on Thanksgiving.
He was wearing his cousin Beth's boots and being quite the show-off.

Recently I have had several conversations with Donovan that I never expected to have as a mother. So I share some of the best with you...

The scene:
Donovan was changing into his pajamas and ran to use the toilet before getting dressed. While washing his hands, he looked in the mirror.

Donovan, "I am all shiny and white. My lips are (pause to look) red. Mom, what color are you?"

Me, "What do you think?"

Donovan looked me over thoroughly and said, "You are red, maybe pink."

(A side note, when I took Donovan to the doctor's office recently, I was asked, "Is he always this pale?")

The scene:
Me trying to take a short nap on the couch.

Donovan, "You aren't allowed to take a nap. It's not Thanksgiving!"

Me, "Actually, I can take a nap during the day any time I am tired, even if it is only Wednesday and so can you and Dad. (mumbled) Of course, that is if you will let me."

The great part about this was that Donovan climbed on top of me and fell asleep. It was amazing!

(Dan's personal favorite of late) The scene:
Donovan had just emerged from the bath and was sitting on his towel.
Donovan, "Mom, what is this?"

Me, "What is what?"

D, "What is this down there?"

M, "Down where?"

D, "Down there, below my penis."

M (after a small pause to collect my thoughts), "Those are your testis."

D, "What are testis?"

M, "Testis are the small balls in the sack of skin."

D, "What are they for?"

M, "They make you a boy."

And this was the end of the conversation. He was actually satisfied with my answer and no further discussion was necessary.

Now onto the new running joke in the family.
The Scene:
Reading books on the couch before bedtime. Donovan had chosen a book called Music is Everywhere. This book says things like, "Music is everywhere. I hear music in the Ocean" and "I hear music in the trees", etc.

I was beginning the first page and read, "Music is everywhere. I hear music in the rain." At that very moment I had a small release of gas. (Okay, I have a 3 year old, I'll admit it. I farted.) Only fitting to the book I said, "I hear music from my bottom."

Donovan thought this was the funniest thing he had ever heard. He was laughing hysterically and kept repeating, "I hear mu (laughing) sic (laughing harder) from my (and even harder) bottom." Of course all three of us were laughing quite hard at this point.

Eventually we were able to finish the book and get the boy to bed, but while he was hugging me goodnight, he was still repeating, "I hear music (laughing) from my (laughing) bottom." Then he produced a burp and said, "I hear music in my throat!" accompanied by even more laughter.

When I thought he could handle no more, Donovan farted and barely managed to say, "I hear music from my bottom" amongst all the laughter.

Ever since that night, Donovan will randomly bring up, "I hear music from my bottom" and start spontaneously laughing. I wonder how long this will be around our house.


DBA said...

Oh, goodness! Music from your bottom...I don't know that you'll ever live that one down! Thanks for the laugh.